Accumulation distribution of premiums and discounts in the foreign exchange forward transactions which relate directly to landfill in Forex swap (interest arbitration) suggested that, in the period of each enterprise.
Official action zone control is usually one of the changes of domestic economic policies to correct payment or lack of balance in the official exchange rate or. Official action zone control is usually one of the changes of domestic economic policies to correct payment or lack of balance in the official exchange rate or.
Restore the coin saying "value" when it strengthens in price in response to market demand for forex.
Arbitration, the purchase or sale of the instrument and the simultaneous initiation of the equal and opposite position in a related market to take advantage of price differences between markets.
The question is a quotation, the price at which the Forex market is preparing for a particular currency in the currency of the contract or cross currency contract for sale. This prize, Forex trader, buying the base currency. In quotation marks, it is displayed on the right side of the proposal. For example, is the sales price in the quote of USD/CHF 1.2627/32, 1.2632; This means you can buy one dollar 1.2632 Swiss francs.
Best for Forex trader to buy or sell best rate can be obtained.
AT or better to go at a particular rate or better.
The trade balance, the value of a country's exports minus imports.
Bar chart Forex charts, type four important points: the high and low prices, which form the vertical bar, opening price, marked with a little horizontal line to the left of the row, and the closing price, marked with a little horizontal line to the right of the taskbar.
The currency of the first currency in a currency pair. It shows how the basic currency is the measured value for the second currency in the Forex market. For example, if rate USD/CHF is equal to 1.2615 United States dollars worth of CHF 1.2615 in FX markets, the dollar is usually considered the "base" currency quotes, means that quotes are expressed as a unit of weight of 1 USD per the other currency quoted in the pair. The main exceptions to this rule are the British pound, euro and Australian dollar.
In the Forex market are individual prices.
We offer the bid price is the price that the market is ready for a particular currency in the currency of the contract or cross currency contract for the purchase. At that price the trader to sell the base currency. It appears on the left side of the proposal. For example, the purchase price in the quote of USD/CHF 1.2627/32, 1.2627; This means you can sell for a dollar 1.2627 Swiss francs.
BID/Ask spread is the difference between the bid and offer prices. The big figure quote dealer expression refers to the first digits of official exchange rate. These figures are often omitted in quotes forex trader. For example, the exchange rate of USD/JPY will 117.30/117.35, but without the first three digits i.e. "30/35" would be quoted verbally.
Book of professional trading conditions, "the book is a summary of the trader or institution all Forex positions.
Broker a person or company that serves as an intermediary, putting together buyers and sellers for a fee or Commission. On the other hand the dealer commits capital and has one side position, hoping to earn a spread (profit) by closing the position in a subsequent trade with another party.
The Bretton Woods agreement of 1944, the agreement, which set up exchange rates for major currencies, the Central Bank intervention in the currency market forex and the price of gold at $ 35 per ounce are indexed. The agreement lasted until 1971, when President Nixon overturned the Bretton Woods agreement and established a floating exchange rate on the major currencies.
Bull market, the Forex market is characterized by rising prices.
The Central Bank of Germany's Bundesbank.
Forex candlestick chart that indicates the trading range for the day, as well as opening and closing price. If the open price is higher than the closing price, the rectangle between the price of opening and closing are dimmed. If the closing price is higher than the open price of the chart area is not grey.
Market market in real financial instrument based on futures or options contract.
The Central Bank in the floor or a public organization, which manages monetary policy in the country. For example, the Central Bank is the Federal Reserve and Germany's Bundesbank Central Bank.